Saturday, August 17, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Donald's Wet Dream

photo: The Telegraph
One (of many) things that disturbs me most about the Presidency of Donald J. Trump is that he is living his wet dream. Think about it - a man whose entire life has been spent being lord of all he surveyed has now become the ULTIMATE BOSS and the most powerful and recognized man in the world. That's the equivalence of making Jeffrey Epstein (if he were still living!) the dean of an all-girls school - it's ALL wrong.

As evidenced by the reality TV show he produced and hosted, The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice, Mr. Trump takes massive pleasure in calling the shots. His favorite moment always came near the end of the show were he got to exercise all of his power and fire contestants who didn't measure up to his standards. It became a signature slogan of his campaign - YOU'RE FIRED.

Now, he is applying the same bullying techniques on the largest stage in the world - and, he couldn't be happier. Every time that he wishes to speak, the world stops to listen. Hundreds of microphones from media outlets all over the world are shoved in his face to capture every word. Anytime he travels he is attended to by hundreds who do his bidding. Millions wait breathlessly for his next tweet. He is the most famous person in the world.

For a man who most acknowledge as having a narcissistic personality (if not worse), what could be better? Yes, it's a megalomaniac's wet dream.

I have this sick vision of him lying in bed at night in his pajamas, next to Melania, staring up at the ceiling saying; think of it, I did it. I fooled them all!! I've gotten everything I've ever wanted. I have fulfilled my destiny to be King of the World. I'm just the greatest. Good night, honey.

And, I'll never forgive America for allowing it to happen.

That is all . . . 

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