Friday, August 23, 2019


F LoBuono
Stella is gonna' be pissed at me for this one. She always chastises me for using foul language in my posts. She was a Catholic school girl who studied Latin. So, not only does she abhor vulgarity, her lexicon is excellent. Therefore, she never acknowledges the need to use it in general conversation or even humor.

The problem is, I don't always agree.

Sometimes, it is VERY appropriate.

In the Academy Award winning film, "Patton", George C. Scott, who portrays the title character, answers a criticism of his foul language by saying: "I give it to them fast and dirty. That way they'll remember it."

So, here it goes - fast and dirty.

Donald J. Trump is a fucking moron. There is NO other way to couch it. Everything he touches, with the exception of those who line his or his family's pockets, turns to shit.

The Environment - fucked.
The Economy - fucked.
International Relations - fucked.
Immigration - fucked.
Sensible Gun Control Legislation - fucked.
Women's Rights - fucked.
LGBT Rights - fucked.

Doesn't speak well. Doesn't write well. Doesn't look healthy.

So, what's to like?

Not a fucking thing!

You may listen him bloviate that he is the second coming. Well, I say fuck that and fuck you if you believe it.

Is that fast and dirty enough for ya'?

That is all.

Sorry, Stella!


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