Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brain Droppings: The Royal Scam!

I don't know about you guys but if I hear one more freakin' thing about the latest "Fairy Tale Royal Wedding", I'm gonna' hurl!! It's already getting wall to wall media coverage. Shit, CBS' The Early Show was "live" from Buckinham Palace this morning!! Could you really give a shit?! I don't care where she came from, where he got her ring from, what color the gowns will be, what time the affair is, what they'll eat, or where it's supposed to take place. You see, I have a life to pursue. I don't need to live vicariously through someone else. So I don't watch reality TV - ever. And I don't give a shit about anyone elses wedding - especially a bunch of inbred Anglo hold-overs from an era that's better having past!

And it's just beginning. . .

Have a nice day!!!!!!!!


  1. I have fond memories sitting in Nancy Newman's apartment watching Diana's wedding! You just don't understand, Frank. Its a chick thing. I'm a sucker for love, for that possibility that maybe, just maybe it is all you need.

  2. Fiddlesticks! I'm all for LOVE - it's the hype that's killing me!!! :)

  3. Frank: I have to agree with you. They are a lovely couple, but c'mon.....leave 'em alone! Let them get married and let him fly helicopters. The media could destroy them! I really didn't give to much time and attention to Lady Di either. Never really got it. I LOVE a good love story, but never felt that Charles and Diana were the real thing. The only thing worse than this crap is Brangelina!
