Thursday, November 11, 2010

The First Winner of "Douche of the Day": Kanye West

Congratulations to Kanye West for being sellected as the very first ever Douche of the Day winner!

The absolutely worst person I was ever involved with during an interview was Kanye West. Hands down. No equal. What a douche! It was 3 or 4 years ago and he was doing a publicity swing through NYC. My producer and I were scheduled to meet him at his room at the Mandarin Hotel in mid-town. Of course, the room was huge, with spectacular views of Central Park. In addition to West, his entire entourage was milling about. All were there to serve the mighty West. During the interview, his level of arrogance was astounding! He made it clear that there was no one quite like him (THANK GOD!). When the producer asked him who his artistic influences were, his response was, "no one. I'm am so totally original that I have NO influences". Give me a freakin' break. The arrogance of that douche. Even when he wasn't spewing self-serving nonsense, his body language and tone were insufferable. He said nothing of substance. It was all "me, me, me".

When the interview was complete, I needed to get some "b-roll" (generic filler footage) of him leaving his room and heading down to the street. I piled into the elevator with him and his entourage. When we reached the ground floor, I left the elevator first to get a shot of him leaving. While I was backing out, shooting video, I clipped the corner of the elevator and temporarily lost my balance. Instead of showing concern or helping, West and his flunkies laughed so heartily that they almost doubled over - just the funniest thing ever!

I guess this seems harmless enough but it was emblematic of his attitude towards the world: we are all here for his amusement. Look at his track record. The Taylor Swift incident is just one of his many transgressions. South Park did a great job of exposing him for the douche he is on their episode "Fish Sticks". It was brilliant in it's inception and execution.

Now he's at it again, showing his true colors in a recent Matt Lauer interview on "The Today Show".

I don't know about you, but for me, his music, even at its best, will never be able to compensate for his boorish behavior. In fact, the only time I want to see, or even HEAR from, Kanye West is when he's spoofed on South Park! Congratualtons Kanye :)


  1. Well said! I totally agree.

  2. when my son and i first watched the Kanye-SP episode, we didn't think much of it...neither of us was familiar with his antics or his music. We both thought the carlos mencia stuff in that SP episode was way funnier (I still do). However, the next day, we were to go to some friends' house for dinner. We were told that we would be having chicken for dinner but since our friends' kids' didn't eat chicken they would be eating fish sticks. My son and I both shot looks at each other, paused, and burst out laughing. And I cannot watch that episode without crying in laughter.


  3. I just finishing reading West's twitter response to the interview itself. Just when I thought he couldn't get more full of himself . . . !!! "He's not a great celebrity but he's a great artist"?! Palease!!! Need I say more?! The only thing that I can think of that's as trite and lame is the Lebron James commercial "What Should I Do"? Well, Lebron, you should shut the fuck up and just play basketball.

  4. Ps: Oh, by the way, South Park spoofed Lebron too. I love those guys!!
