Friday, November 12, 2010

Today's DOTD: Glenn Beck

Today's Douche of the Day is Glenn Beck. This is Mr. Beck's first time as DOTD but I believe that's only because it just started yesterday! I have a feeling that this is the first of many times he will be so honored. Why should we single out Glenn today over any other day? After all, on a daily basis, isn't he a whinny, paranoid, narrow minded, trickster ( I refrain from using even "pundit" to describe him. He's not that clever!)?

Well, this time it's for his latest attack on a man I consider a living embodiment of the American Dream: George Soros. Whether you agree with Soros' ultra-liberal politics or not, his story AND his courage are to be admired, not ridiculed. Born in Hungary, this is a man who survived the Nazis AND the Communists to become one of the richest and most influential people on the freakin' planet. By his own admission he is ulra-liberal because he knows what it means to live in a country that is NOT FREE. He, above most, understands that it takes constant vigilance to maintain a truly free society. He's pretty much freedom across the board. He also puts his money where his mouth is, donating millions of dollars to causes he believes in, even when they may be unpopular. And Glenn Beck hates him for it!

On one of his recent programs, Beck accused Soros of a world-wide attempt to destabilize foreign governments with an eye on eventually causing the US economy to collapse. Beck also suggested that Soros was a "closet" (my quotes) anti-Semite because, as a 14 year old boy, he was forced into Nazi collaboration against Jews. What a douche!

The first accusation is just pure paranoiac fantasy - something that Beck regularly builds his program on. In TV parlance, these kinds of sensational accusations deliver "eye balls" i. e. an audience.

The second one strikes close to my heart. My father-in-law, like Soros, is Hungarian born and about the same age. He, also like Soros, survived the Nazis and the Communists, emigrated to the US and became a successful, tax paying, loyal American citizen. I have listened to my father-in-law tell stories about being a teenage boy and being pressed into the service of the Nazis. He has told me stories of his illegal imprisonment by the Communists where he was forced to stay even as his mother lay dying. And he often speaks of his love for this country and the real freedom and success it has afforded him. This is what, I believe, George Soros is all about: preserving our freedoms, especially our freedom to choose.

What does Glenn Beck offer as an alternative? Fear and Loathing (I loved Hunter S. Thompson!). His vision of the future is an apocalyptic one. One where free thinkers and doers, like Soros, offer a recipe for disaster. What is Beck afraid of? I say it's the deepest kind of freedom - freedom of thought that he fears. If your vision doesn't match his Mormon Faith inspired one, then it's evil.

Well, for your narrow minded point of view, Talk Frank is happy to reward Glenn Beck with today's Douche of The Day Award. Congratulations! :)


  1. Bravo! And he will appear as DOTD many times since he doesn't know how to STFU either!

  2. He certainly will be a candidate for DOTY!!
