Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Douche of the Day: Roger Ailes

It's officially, Roger Ailes has been named Douche of the Day. The Chairman of Fox News Corporation narrowly edged out Willow Palin who was considered for the callous and insensitive comments she made during the premiere of her family's reality TV show.

Ailes is DOTD for calling the executives of NPR "Nazis". He told The Daily Beast: "they are, of course, Nazis. They have kind of a Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda". Ailes then called for Federal funding to NPR be cancelled. He later apologized to The Anti-defamation League saying he uttered those words in an angry response to NPR's firing of Juan Williams. He said that "nasty, inflexible, bigot", would have been a better choice of words. Really?! What a guy!

Here are the issues: NPR can easily and accurately be described as ultra-liberal in their programming and Williams was fired, according to NPR executives, for talking a position contrary to those liberal leanings. Now, I NEVER agreed with that decision and wrote so in this blog. But "Nazis"?! First, beyond the dubious wisdom of NPR's actions in the Williams affair, to suggest that they are Nazis is beyond reason. And it's inflammatory. Every time someone challenges Fox News' POV, one of their program hosts screams "Nazis" in response. An independent group researched FOX News programming and found frequent use of the word "Nazi" by both Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly. Now we know where they get it from: right from their boss, the DOTD, Roger Ailes.

Fox News, under the leadership of Ailes, is constantly fostering a theme of fear and loathing in their programming. They use words like "Nazi" to dehumanize their opponents and achieve their goal: a conservative agenda. They want NPR stopped for their liberal posture while they continue to pursue a conservative one under the guise of reporting the news. Fair and Balanced my ass. The hypocracy is stagering! If NPR is a bastion of liberal fools than Fox News is a haven for conservative creeps.

And don't forget where Ailes comes from. He may have started in the news business but he has been a media consultant for CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN causes since the 1960's. He has advised Republican presidents from Nixon to Bush. Fair and Balanced?! It's a case of the proverbial "pot calling the kettle black". They mock NPR for their strong POV and yet have the same strong approach but in the opposite direction. Give me a freakin' break!

And as for cutting the Federal funding to NPR, it would hurt but it wouldn't kill them. They receive less than 10% of their total operating budget from the Government.

So, congratualtions Roger Ailes, you are the Douche of the Day!