Friday, January 7, 2011

Living in a Winter Wonderland

The Winter Wonderland that is my back yard. The only problem is that I drive in the opposite direction - towards NYC. Not so wondrous! :)


  1. This is a great shot!Having lived in Pa I developed a severe dislike for snow. They take great care of the roads but the winters are wicked. I have been able to avoid the last 2. I always say 'snow only looks good in pictures'

  2. Be grateful. At least you have weather!

  3. I think a coating of snow helps make winter more bearable. It brightens things up especially when the sun is out, more light is reflected into the house.

    Snow also provides more things to do locally, such as cross-country skiing sledding and snow shoeing. Yeah, it's pain to drive in, but that's when I use my paid time off.

    I will be out skiing in the woods in the state park tomorrow!

  4. We live at the base of the mighty Palisades and Little Tor Mountain State Park. In additon to the spectacular views we have a plethera of wild life included hawks, eagles, fox, and plenty of deer. It's natural and beautiful.

    That's the up side. The down side is that my driveway is about 250 feet long and on a steep incline. It's too steep for a plow to get up there so I have to shovel it by hand! One of these guys at least I'll get me a snow blower!
