Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today's Douche of the Day: Robert Bentley

Today's Douche of the Day (DOTD) is Robert Bentley, Republican Governor of Alabama. In a speech delivered at a celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday, Bentley, also a Baptist minister and a devote Christian, stated that "anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister . . . ".

WTF? He's the FREAKIN' GOVERNOR!!!! I suppose that statement is OK in Alabama and the deep South because the only people who actually live there are, obviously, devote Christians! What about Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Trappists, Wiccans, and, of course, atheists? I guess in Bentley's world they simply don't count!!

I've spent a fair amount of time bashing religious extremists, particularly radical Muslims. Well, I detest religious FANATICS of ALL KINDS. Narrow minded, limited thinking like that exhibited by Governor Bentley is reprehensible in all people, but it is particularly so in an ELECTED OFFICIAL. In case he has forgotten, he has taken a solemn OATH to represent ALL the people of his state. No matter what he says from here on, he can NEVER again be taken seriously as a true representative of his state. SHAME on him and the people of Alabama for electing him and excepting this NONSENSE. If they have any courage at all, they will call for his HEAD. But I'm sure that they won't, because they think just like him: SMALL.

So, for his outrageously narrow minded statement, congratulations Gov. Robert Bentley of Alabama on being named today's DOTD!!
photo: Alabama's governor's office

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