Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When You Think About It: A Den of Thieves

I suppose that's it's pretty obvious from my posts that I tend to lean "left" with most of my opinions. Some of my more conservative readers are "LOLing", saying to themselves: "Leaning? If he were any more left he'd be falling down"! Be that as it may, I have always attempted to be fair in my criticism, especially when it comes to hypocrisy. I mean, simply put, a douche bag is a douche bag is a douche bag. It's just that, generally, I find ultra-conservative, GOP POV's to be narrow-minded and, too often, bigoted. But that doesn't mean I don't find fault with Democrats and Liberals as well. And I sure found some serious fault with them today.

As reported on the CBS Early Show, a website knows as PolitiFact.com, whose purpose is to meticulously and scrupulously check claims made by politicians from all parties for accuracy (it is not affiliated with any political party and is a 2009 Pulitzer Prize winner), unveiled their Lie of the Year 2011. PolitiFact named the House Democrats claim that Republicans voted to end Medicare as the #1 political lie of the year. The website went on to claim that Democrats severely misrepresented and distorted the Paul Ryan Republican proposal to reform Health Care through Medicare reform. Using a PR campaign of fear and loathing that included a TV commercial showing a Paul Ryan look-alike throwing a wheelchair bound, older woman off a cliff to emphasize their point, Democrats prayed on the natural insecurities of older Americans about their healthcare. Ryan's plan certainly called for much needed reform but, just as certainly (according to PolitiFact) it did not eliminate care for the elderly. In fact, contrary to claims by the Democrats, it called for more help for the elderly. Due to the Democrats' campaign to discredit the proposal, public opinion was swayed and the reforms never passed.

So, when you think about it, it's the same ol', partisan crap with the ultimate losers being the American people. When you think about it, it's no surprise that Congress now has the lowest satisfaction rating in OUR HISTORY! Unfortunately, Republicans and Democrats too often share the same "residence" - a den of thieves. How many times must we say, put aside partisan bickering and start answering to the needs of the people who sent you there in the first place!

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