Saturday, January 21, 2012


This is the new face of the Republican Party. Well, meet the new boss - same as the old boss. So much for the FAMILY VALUES bit. I do believe in redemption but I also believe in hypocrisy. You decide. The choice will be clear.


  1. A sign of Gingrich's new confidence: he's just changed his Facebook status to "in an open relationship."

  2. Unfortunately the Republican candidates have wasted so much on personal attacks when they knew their personal lives would come under scrutiny during the campaign. For Gingrich it is the the height of hypocrisy. Americans know his even taking part of the congressional commission on the impeachment trial while he had carried on an affair for eight years shows he has no true "family values". To even allude to his having a desirable lifestyle or even think the public approve this kind of attitude is unacceptable to most Americans. We now have one Mormon and one polygamist, for all intents and purposes, going after each other in the GOP. In the interim, we have a President who is dealing with the economy and all the problems left to him by the previous Republican administrations, and dealing with it as effectively as time permits. President Obama's being perspicacious about the America's future.
    Where was the outrage when President Bush blew threw our six trillion dollar surplus? No one said a word.

  3. Welcome, Katherine and thanks for the thoughtful responses. If you research the blog a bit you'll notice that I try to maintain some degree of neutrality, but, even with that said, with this bunch that's impossible. I'm also obliged to call a douche bag a douche bag and I do!!
