Wednesday, January 11, 2012

When You Think About It: Mitt Romney

When you think about it, this is truly a great country. Certainly, we have our faults, but on balance, we are still the greatest country in the world. Why? Because we still offer opportunities for advancement and even greatness on a level that remains unmatched. We see evidence of that on a daily basis. The latest testament to that fact can be seen in our race for the Presidency. The current crop of GOP candidates is being led by Mitt Romney, who just yesterday won the Nation's first primary in New Hampshire. When you think about it, it is truly amazing to me that a man who, to me at least, has little, if any, socially redeeming value. And, in most likelihood, he will win the GOP nomination to run for President in November against Barrack Obama. I can sense no fire, no passion, and none of the intangibles that make an effective LEADER. Listening to Romney speak is the equivalent of watching paint dry: you know that it's happening but you REALLY don't care! In fact, when you think about it, he has the personality of a cassava melon. And you know what happens to melons when they get too mellow - they ripen and then rot.

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