Words and photo by F LoBuono |
The world has gone insane - unfortunately, much to the delight of the very people creating most of the mayhem. ISIS or ISIL, whichever moniker you choose to identify them by, are the thugs posing as religious zealots threatening to plunge the world into chaos. This may frighten us but it most certainly does not them. In fact, it fits right into their warped plans of bringing the world to a final,defining conflagration.
And, most people are unwittingly falling right into the trap.
The recent attack in Paris where nearly 130 innocent people were slaughtered enraged the entire world. The initial shock of the assaults was soon coupled with grief and sorrow for those lost. These feelings are now being transformed into a type of righteous rage. The world is mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore. We want ISIS more than just gone. We want them smashed, obliterated, wiped off the face of the earth.
The problem is, that's EXACTLY what they want us to try and do. They have planned these attacks to not only be tactically punishing but strategically so, as well. By that I mean that the scope of the attack was FAR greater than taking the lives of nearly 130 people. That's the tactical component. And, although horrifying, the strategic element of what they did has far greater consequence. Their plan was to create long lasting fear and panic in a wide variety of areas. There is an
economic impact: tourism, a large portion of the French and Parisian economy, is already being effected. Hotels and restaurants report business to be way down. There is a
political impact: people will (and should) hold public officials accountable for their safety. How leaders respond to this conflict may define their political futures. And, perhaps most importantly, there is a
social impact: people want to hold someone responsible for these outrages. They want to point figures directly at those who have created this mayhem. And, the pain is so palpable that mob mentality takes over. Anyone who even resembles one of the perpetrators is subject to the same scorn. Since Muslims executed the attacks, ALL Muslims are to be feared and shunned.
It's just what the bad guys want. It's all a well calculated plan to destabilize the world in an effort to create a Caliphate. And, it's working - because we are allowing it to.
The ideology of ISIS is to win or die. They have no problem with reducing the world to a pile of ashes if that's what it takes to achieve their world view. In fact, not unlike the Evangelical Christian version of
The Rapture, ISIS doctrine says a final, cataclysmic battle between the Christian and Islamic forces MUST take place to decide who will ultimately rule the world. The more anger, hatred, and brutality these maniacs can muster, the better they like it. Like the Marvel comic book character,
The Incredible Hulk who only gets larger and more powerful the more angry you make him, ISIS only gets more potent when we meet their brutality with more of our own. Every escalation in wanton violence falls right into their master plan.
Of course, ISIS must be stopped. And, apparently, only military might will do it. However, it can't be by
any means necessary. This mind set is exactly the one our enemies would like us to have. It lowers us to the same level as they - the most base, the most brutal, the most ugly. And, as some wise person once told me,
don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk. You'll lose. We must avoid the type of knee jerk reactions that we are now seeing. More than half the governors in the US (virtually all Republicans, by the way) are calling for a halt in accepting Syrian refugees - ALL Syrian refugees, including women and children because of the threat of terrorists sneaking in with them. Even if it were the case (evidence suggests otherwise), giving vetted refugees asylum is more than a matter of "mere" compassion. By rejecting them, we again play into the hands of ISIS by only adding to the ever growing refugee crisis. These refugees become further displaced, disenfranchised and disillusioned. Well, guess what THEY then become - members of the Taliban and ISIS! It destabilizes the entire world.
Carpet bombing, i.e. obliterating the entire region that contains their strongholds is also not a viable strategy. ISIS may rule these areas but there are also many innocent civilians under their control who would suffer the consequences of such a policy. There are "hawks" in our government that would say,
sorry, in war, there is bound to be collateral damage. Well, tell that to the people who lie under those bombs! This way of thinking will only lead to another generation of bitter young men, only too willing to join the opposition like ISIS or the Taliban. This mentality is partly why we are in this mess in the first place!
Then, there is also the matter of National Identity. How do we wish to be acknowledged for our place in the world? For most of our history, America and Americans have been known for their honor and sense of fair play. We have always told our immigrants
; work hard and you can get ahead here. And, generally, that has been the case. Now, many are saying HOLD ON - only SOME of you are welcome. And, I'm shocked when I see the ethnic makeup of the names of the people who are the most vocal about enforcing the ban: Armenians, who seem to have forgotten about their treatment at the hands of the Ottomans. Jews, who endured the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis. Irish, mindless of The Great Famine and their treatment at the hands of the British. Italians, who suffered countless indignities upon their arrival in this Country. ALL of us in this COUNTRY OF IMMIGRANTS have benefited at one time or another from a helping hand. Why should we not extend the same virtue to others who so desperately need it?
We cannot, we MUST not be ruled by fear and paranoia! We must have a coordinated plan to attack and destroy ISIS. But, it must be one that is consistent with our values as a society and executed to achieve a
lasting peace. If we do not, we are in danger of being no different than those we so readily abhor.