Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Today's MOZEN: A New York State of Mind

Words and photo by F LoBuono
Lewis and Clark, the great American explorers of the early 19th Century, experienced many wondrous things on their journey across what was a largely unknown continent. One of the more dangerous and yet humorous encounters involved Grizzly bears. Of course, the expedition included hunters who had taken their share of black bears in their time. But, THESE bears were quite different. They were huge and fearless. So, instead of hunting them they did their best to avoid them. In fact, an order was issued NOT to shoot at them. Instead of taking the Grizzly down, shooting them just pissed them off!

I believe that New Yorkers are much like the Grizzly bears encountered by Lewis and Clark.

Take the most recent attack on our City. Another misguided, misanthropic excuse for a human being attempted to do reek havoc and create as much damage as he could by placing pressure cooker bombs in a Chelsea neighborhood. One proved to be a dud but one did explode, injuring 30 and causing extensive damage to the area. Most cities would have been thrown into total chaos and terror. But, New York is not like other cities. In fact, New York is like no other place on the planet.

Instead of being terrified, New Yorkers, just like the Grizzly, were more pissed off than afraid! Most complained of the inconvenience caused by the attack rather than express any type of panic. In fact, we were downright angry about it! How dare someone interrupt our daily routine! How am I supposed to get to work tomorrow? The traffic is going to be horrible, etc., etc.

We never missed a beat.

The next day saw the beginning of the Annual General Assembly meeting of world leaders at the United Nations. Traditionally, due to its nature and the need for intense security, it cripples traffic on the east side of Manhattan. Of course, with recent events, security was bound to be even more intense. Yet, the City never stopped - not for an hour, not for a minute, not for a second. Trying to negotiate the City streets were every bit as intense, frantic, and frenetic as they ALWAYS are. In many ways, it was even more so. It's the City's way of saying FUCK YOU to those who have the temerity to attack us.

When will the terrorists get it? New Yorkers, by their very essence, cannot be intimidated - EVER. It is known as a New York State of Mind. It is an air, almost of arrogance, that NOTHING can stop us. It is our destiny to keep moving forward, to keep building, to keep leading. Like the mighty Grizzly, trying to hurt us simply makes us angry.

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