Tuesday, October 10, 2017

When You Think About It: God Has Nothing To With It

F LoBuono

Devastating hurricanes. Ferocious wild fires. Catastrophic floods. Disastrous droughts. Deadly earthquakes. It's as if god (or, gods) is expressing his/her displeasure with our current lack of faith and contrition by raining catastrophes of so-called biblical proportion down on our heads.

And, I've never heard a bigger bunch of bull shit in my entire life!

God, should there actually be one, has absolutely nothing to do with this. And, it's a cheap cop-out to fault him/her. We have no one to blame for these calamities but ourselves. For years, if not eons, we have selfishly exploited our natural resources, degrading the very earth we call home to the point of near destruction. For the sake of profit, we have used and abused the very substrate that supports life itself. Our industries indiscriminately pour poisons into our lakes, streams, and rivers, polluting the very source of life itself. Our factories belch black, toxic smoke into the atmosphere, contaminating the very air we breath. Our agriculture institutions use carcinogenic chemicals to grow our food, infecting our very ability to survive.

Not god.

WE made things this way. And, WE can fix it. God need not be involved.

But, we have to WANT TO.

With the current administration's Environmental Agenda (or, LACK of one) looking to roll back every piece of logically conceived legislation to protect the environment, the chances of it getting any better are slim and none. Just today, Scott Pruitt, the head of the EPA, announced that it's ending the so-called "war on coal" (another of DJT's campaign promises). In other words, every regulation that was created to curb coal's tendency to create airborne pollution is now gone - all for the sake of profit. And, this is just the latest in a campaign to prioritize profit over safety. It's shameful.

This administration proudly states that it's all about putting to people to work. That's all well and good. But, at what ULTIMATE cost. When there is no more air to breath, water to drink, or healthy food to eat, what will Trump's supporters do then? Perhaps, they will eat their profits.

Despite the fact that 97% of the world's most reputable scientists make the claim that human interference (i.e. pollution) is a major contributing factor to Global Warming, the primary cause of these major weather/earth disturbances, this Administration and its supporters deny this to be so. Well, in response, I say this: you don't have to be a friggin' scientist to get it. You just have to look out of your window and open your fucking eyes.

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