Saturday, January 27, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Mea Culpa

F LoBuono

It comes to me at odd hours and, often, in strange places - this deep feeling of sadness. I may be sitting on the couch watching TV and a movie scene triggers it. Or, perhaps, I'm driving to work and a song on the radio will bring me there. Sometimes, I'm not doing anything in particular except lying my head down to sleep when the sadness drifts over me like a blanket of thick fog.

It's not a classic case of depression. The feeling, luckily, is generally fleeting. However, even though it may be brief, that does not detract from its powerful effect on me. It reaches down into the depths of my soul to fill me with an almost overwhelming feeling of sorrow and regret. I think of all the wonderful people who have done nothing but love me and, yet, I still so cruelly rejected. I am confronted by all of the very worthy lovers that I have had in my life who appear in tears before me asking, "why, Frankie, why?" I have no answer for them except my own tears in return.

Because I have a healthy ego; I am never falsely modest. I know that I have a good heart and I have loved deeply, too, often without reciprocity. This is the Yin-Yang of life that I have often written about on this very blog; pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. So, I accept the feeling, even welcome it. Perhaps, it may be because as I age, everyone around me does, too. That means dealing with the fact that I will lose, at some point, everyone and everything that I love. If that doesn't intensify your feelings then, maybe, your dead already and didn't notice!

Anyway, as I mentioned, the feeling tends to pass quickly. But, I still feel a need to, in a sense, counter it. It is too powerful to ignore - there is an important message contained within the emotion. It must not be allowed to fester. So, I commit myself to being more open, more accepting, and, in the end, more loving.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Same Ol' Same Ol'

F LoBuono

Perhaps, you've noticed; I haven't posted many overtly political memes lately. It certainly is NOT the result of a less politically charged atmosphere in this Country. Oh, it's quite the contrary. Our President and his minions provide an ample amount of controversial, if not downright vitriolic, rhetoric with which to feast on. In fact, that just might be the reason I've been reluctant to write more in that vein:

It's all been said before.

This President continues his assault on our collective psyches, fundamentally altering the definition of what it actually means to be an American. He continues his attacks on a Free Press. He still spreads fear and loathing through misinformation about immigration and immigrants. It is almost universally acknowledged that he prefers to lead through chaos and intimidation rather than organization and compromise. His America First policy serves ultimately to isolate us internationally, evidenced by the boos that punctuated his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recently. And, he refuses to accept the legitimacy of Special Council Robert Mueller's independent investigation on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.

And, this doesn't even included the looming personal fiascoes like his alleged payments to a porn actress to keep an extra-marital sexual affair secret secret.

And, still, his base remains unshaken. Some of them are the top evangelical preachers in the Country. They include Franklin Graham, son of legend Billy Graham, and Tony Perkins, who used a golf term, mulligan, or do-over, as an excuse for Mr. Trump's alleged marital infidelity.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

But, as I have also said repeatedly - this is part of a plan that was hatched from the very beginning - that Mr. Trump would give voice to the forgotten Americans. The problem is that the rest of us forgot how bigoted the souls of so many of these people really are. They just needed the vehicle to get them to their ultimate destination.

And, now they do.

You get what you pay for . . .

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Fur and All

F LoBuono

My father was a wonderful man; loved his children and animals with a passion. He was kind and gentle, tough but fair. He taught me that every person should be judged on the strength of their character and nothing else.

And, the poor man was covered in enough body hair to give the missing link a run for his money! I mean it seemed like the only part of his body not covered by it was his eyes! For those of you who remember some of the classic characters from the bizarre world of professional wrestling, think George "The Animal" Steele.

We would tease him about it, too. If he was standing in his undershorts, ready for bed, we would stop him, saying: Hey, you can't go to sleep yet!

He would respond, WHY?

Because you haven't taken your sweater off yet.

We all roared with laughter!

I'm sure that he heard the snickering and the cruel jabs of others. I heard many a woman call it "gross". But, it never seemed to bother him. I never saw him look away in shame or even get angry at his tormentors. He just took it all in stride.

And, so did my mother.

I remember reminiscing years after his death about how we - and, others - would tease him about his follicular abundance. My mother chimed in immediately saying, It never bothered me. NO, SIR - not for one second.

That my friends, is loving someone EXACTLY for who they are - fur and all.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Today's Mozen: The Crisis II

F LoBuono
These are the times that try men's souls - 

So wrote Thomas Paine in his essay The Crisis, published near the end of the year 1776. Washington's Constitutional Army was being roundly defeated in the field by the superior British and the fledgling Republic was in danger of collapse. It was was such an inspiring call to action that Washington had it read aloud to his struggling troops at Valley Forge during the brutal winter of 1777.

Although not as a dramatic, we face a similar crisis today.

Our Republic has ceased functioning, at least in its basic form.

Congress failed to pass the spending bill necessary to fund the government and keep many essential services functioning. Of course, The Blame Game has been intense. Republicans charge the Democrats and they, in turn, return the favor. In the political tradition, both sides lobbied for concessions from the other. But, in the end, a compromise could not be reached. And, the so-called sticking point was dealing with DACA - Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals or Dreamer's Bill.

Without getting into great detail (you can do the research), DACA was a policy created by the Obama administration in 2012 that allows the children of immigrants who entered this Country illegally to stay here without penalty - UNTIL CONGRESS DEALS WITH THE ISSUE ON A MORE PERMANENT BASIS. It effects about 800,000 people today.

And, here we are.

Of course, arguments can be made on both sides. Republicans claim that this issue is intensely complicated (and, in a certain sense, it is); these people are the product of illegal immigration. And, it is true that their parents entered illegally. Therefore, their thinking is; as a NATION OF LAWS, how do we not punish those who had no choice in the matter, i.e. the children, while at the same time not rewarding the initial illegal activity by making them instant citizens. Where does one draw the line?

The Democrats counter by claiming that these Dreamers ARE Americans. America is the only country they have ever known. Many do not speak their native languages or have ever even seen their native lands. Plus, they had no choice in the decisions of the parents to come here. Children should not be punished for the sins of the father, if you will.

Ultimately, the GOP wanted to pass a limited funding bill to keep the government functioning at full capacity while the debate on DACA continued. The Democrats balked saying, the time to kick the can down the road is over - we need to support these people with a true path to citizenship NOW.

The result was - nothing - a shutdown.

And, to me, here is where The Crisis lies.

This is a question of not only law and order but, in a sense, morality and the message it sends. We ARE a nation of laws. And, NO ONE is above the law. This is an important bedrock principal of America. It is, in fact, a core value. But, America is also a nation of IDEALS. From the very beginning, our democracy was to be different. It was to be a republic established on new principals that were based on new theories - like equality and compassion. These were radical ideas at the time. They should no longer be! We've had 242 years to perfect it! It was once uniquely American - let it be again.

We are fighting for the very soul of America. We must choose what defines us as a nation.

To me, that has ALWAYS been an IDEAL - not a concrete thing.

Allow me to explain further.

It is difficult to say that someone looks American in the same way they might about certain European or Asian ethnicities. For example, because of my Sicilian ancestry, I've actually been told that I look SO Italian. I work with people who have Irish ancestry and they look SO Irish, and so on. Yet, we are ALL Americans. And, that's my point - being American is not a face or even a place - it's an IDEAL - one that promises if you work hard and contribute, you can have a future here.

Why should we prevent these innocent people from  making that their own reality?

Let me finish by leaving you with a definition. I believe that within it lies the key to the American soul. Some will call it foolish nonsense. I call it the fearless essence of America:


[kuh m-pash-uh n] 


a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortuneaccompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

Friday, January 19, 2018


F LoBuono

It wasn't as downright frigid today as it has been lately, so Rexie and I decided to take a sojourn into town. Walking at a brisk pace, we were in the heart of town, near the Nyack Post Office when I spotted him - a blind man walking alone and using his cane to feel his way along. I don't know the gentleman's name, but for years I have seen walking alone as well as with others through the village. I've always been amazed at how he manages to navigate the busy streets, especially when he's walking alone, as he was on this day.

He was approaching a traffic light at an intersection from the south side of the street while Rexie and I were coming from the north. There was a large delivery truck idling while it waited for the light to change in his direction. And, it was just about to as the blind man was entering the intersection. Rexie and I ran as fast as we could to get to him as he stepped into the street and the light changed against us. I told the man to grab my arm and that I would help him through the intersection. At the same time, I raised my other hand to implore the truck to wait until we could safely cross. Much to our pleasure, the truck didn't move an inch. He didn't increase the idle of his engine nor did he gesture in any threatening or impatient way. He simply waved back and waited for us to clear before he went on his way.

The blind man mentioned that he heard the truck idling and added that he counts on the kindness of strangers like me and the truck driver to understand his situation and give him a break. Far more often than not, they do.

There is kindness in the world - everywhere, everyday. Even a blind can see it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Save The Republic!

First and foremost, I do not condone the use of violence in ANY form. In fact, I condemn it. This is a metaphor ONLY!!!

Vincenzo Camucinni

Death to All Tyrants!!

This is a REPUBLIC - OUR REPUBLIC! We shall have no king - nor, man who would be king. This is a nation of laws and justice. Let ALL be held accountable. No man or woman is above the law. No one!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Me First!

F LoBuono


On the surface, it's a solid campaign slogan. Strong. Bold. 'Merican. After all, don't we want what's best for ourselves, our families, and our Country? It is certainly understandable.

It is also terribly flawed.

This "in your face" attitude will certainly appeal to many. They make no excuses. It is their vision of the American Way. And, it's been with us since the inception of this Nation - think Monroe Doctrine - it is our right and DUTY to take whatever is in our best interest. This philosophy has involved us in countless conflicts in nameless countries around the world for centuries. And, THIS is why it will never work.

At it's very core, it lacks another, even more powerful (hopefully) American ideal - COMPASSION. And, it is compassion that wins us lasting friends on both a personal and political level. If you had a friend who was brilliant and powerful, but only acted in their own best interest, I believe that they wouldn't be your friend for very long. I can certainly speak for myself and say, I do not associate with such people for long.

So, why should it be any different with Nations?

Nations who bully never win in the end. Never. History has shown us that those who act solely in their own interests are destined to collapse - think Persia, Rome, the Ottomans, Mongols, etc. Yes, they had glory. But, ultimately, they met their ends violently.

Why, then, would so many resist the inevitable? When we do, when we isolate and put ourselves above the good of others, we may win in the short term. However, the future holds far less promise.  An attitude like that simply creates bitterness that spawns an endless cycle of strife - between people and Nations. The carrot ultimately gets us much further than the stick.

And, it has nothing to do with so-called patriotism. REAL patriots want what's best for their country. And, that means keeping an open mind and heart. This should NOT be seen as weakness! Quite to the contrary; if we have no fear and embrace the diversity that comes with openness, we strengthen ourselves. Borders create isolation. Isolation fosters ignorance. Ignorance breeds fear. Fear leads to violence.

So it is today. The Internet, high- speed air travel, and super highways have connected people like never before. And, I believe, this has frightened many. Alvin Toffler, in his seminal book, Future Shock, predicted that this would happen - technology would develop faster than our ability to absorb it, causing a certain malaise. So, people pull inward and create their own boundaries. And, these limits have found voice in President Trump.

The President, who champions AMERICA FIRST, was recently reported to have said during a meeting on immigration, "why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here". He was referring to certain African and Central American countries, as well as Haiti, i.e. black or brown nations. This is the kind of narrow-minded bigotry that comes from the attitude fostered by ME FIRST - ME ONLY! Furthermore, it does not make us GREAT. In fact, it potentially makes us weaker because, instead of being a beacon of freedom and opportunity, we are seen as a selfish oppressor. This has NEVER gotten us anywhere. And, it never will.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Half Full or Empty?

I never see a glass of wine as either HALF FULL or HALF EMPTY. All I see is the wine disappear as I drink whatever is left...

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Always Love

Words and photo by F LoBuono
A friend posted a most interesting question on Facebook the other day. She asked: What is the more powerful emotion - love or fear?

Most people answered simply, choosing one or the other without much explanation. What I found most interesting was the amount of people who responded - FEAR. I have no hard numbers to support my observation, but my recollection is clear; a goodly amount (i.e. the majority) chose fear as their answer.

Now, I'm not judging. Since few offered an explanation as to why they made their choice, it is impossible for me to know exactly what their motivations may have been. Besides, fear is, indeed, a powerful, often overwhelming force. I believe that we all have felt the paralyzing effect of deep, eminent fear. Certainly, if we have not experienced it in our active lives, we have in our subconscious, i.e. dreams. And, from gangsters to despots, fear is used to control millions. It works - at least in the short term.

But, I did not answer with the majority (imagine that!). I responded immediately. In my mind, there was no hesitation:


It is something that I more than simply believe. It is something in my heart and soul that I KNOW.

And, I explained my reasoning to the friend who had posted the original query.

I know this woman to be an educator and, perhaps, above all, a mother who desperately loves her children. Her regular posts lauding them is ample evidence. I responded directly to her: I KNOW that you would not hesitate for ONE SECOND to give your life to save that of one of your children.

She agreed.

THIS is the overwhelming POWER of true love - a deep, abiding, overwhelming thing that, in the final analysis, kicks FEAR'S ass - every time!

When we finally understand and ACCEPT that fact, fear will lose its grip.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Lighting the Path. by Stephen Abankwa

Stephen Abankwa
The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone. But, the things you do for others remain as your legacy. Be sensitive to people's needs. Love deeply and think deeply about life. Be loyal, honest and true. The simple things you sometimes offer people mean the most to them. The purity of your heart makes you who you are . Fake people are only nice when it's convenient for them. Genuinely nice people go out of their ways to help others. Good people are like street lights along the roads. They don't make the distance short but they light up the path and make the walk easy and safe.

Monday, January 8, 2018

#MeToo by Joanne de Araujo

Joanne de Araujo
When I was very young, I was walking through Manhattan. I was on my way to Marymount College for a class. I heard a screeching taxi cab behind me that pulled over. An older man jumped out and started running towards me down the street. He was telling me he wanted to make me a star, and that he was famous. He begged me to meet with him later at his apartment. He told me he had made Nastassja Kinski the famous woman that she was. He gave me his business card and I called him later that day. I told him I would meet him at a restaurant, I was afraid to meet a man alone in his apartment.

I was in my twenties, but those of you who remember me back then, I was so skinny, 5/9 and 105 lb. I looked all of about 15 years old. I called him later that day and he asked me to meet him at his building again. I told him I'd wait in the lobby. I got to the building, which was on the Upper West Side near the YMCA. His doorman told me that he had an director upstairs that he was having a meeting with, and could I please go upstairs and wait. When I entered his apartment, he escorted me quickly into a bedroom and sat me down and put on a movie. He said he was finishing the meeting. It took me a few minutes of watching the movie to realize that he had put on a porn movie. It was he, and somebody he had called to join him- a professional football player, having sex simultaneously with a woman. I quickly got up to leave when he came through the door in a robe, and dropped it on the floor. He was completely naked. I told him that I needed to use the ladies room. He showed me a bathroom near the front door of the apartment and, as I approached it, I ran out of the apartment.

Later, I found out that he had directed several famous movies like Bugsy, and the Pick Up Artist........ his name was James Toback.

Today's MOZEN: The Winter Blues

F LoBuono
Everyone keeps telling me to take it in stride. Be Zen about it. Look for the beauty in it. Having four seasons is the best. I'm sure that all of this is true. And, I have done my best to experience all of those things. But, despite that, I really HATE WINTER - especially at this point of it.

I understand that winter is necessary. Yes, it kills off viruses, ticks and all other sorts of vile vermin. The problem is - it kills off HUMAN BEINGS, TOO! Let's face it, winter culls the herd - and, that includes humans. People will counter that the heat and humidity of the summer can be oppressive and deadly, too. That may be the case, but summer is rarely PAINFUL and I'm often in pain on brutally cold days - my fingers hurt, my toes ache, and, often my face feels numb. In the summer, if I get too hot, I can always cool off with a dunk in a pool or the ocean - or, even a simple, cold shower. In the winter, once I get chilled there seems to be no easy way to get warm again.

Winter enthusiasts will also point to the fact that the very air is cleaner and fresher. Well, that may also be true if you are in a bucolic mountain field somewhere but those people have never experienced New York City a few days after a snow or ice storm. The snow removal teams do a great job here. But, part of that job is to salt the shit out of the roads - so much so that asphalt turns white, not from the snow, but from the 5 gazillion tons of salt the crews have spread on them. That salt in turn winds up all over your car to the point that your black vehicle is now whitish-grey and it is nearly impossible to see out of you windshield. And, god forbid you should lean on the car - your black jeans will also now be a nice, new shade of ash-grey. In fact, there is so much of it in the air at this time of year that you can taste it - literally.

Getting prepared to go out for the season is another challenge. Whereas it takes all of about :30 secs. for me to get dressed for a summer day (I mean how long can it take to put on a pair of shorts and flip-flops?) while it takes me about 20 minutes to add the 14 layers of clothing that I need to survive a winter's day.

And, of course, there is the joy of driving, white-knuckled through a snow or ice storm, with your heart in your throat. Then, should you survive the ride home, there is always the hours of heavy snow shoveling left to look forward to.

I suppose the fact that I don't participate in winter sports doesn't help. But, why would I involve myself in activities that require me to be out in weather that I don't enjoy? So, I don't ski, skate, or snowmobile. If you would like to take me to a resort that involves these activities that would be fine. Just look for me in the lounge, by the fireplace, with a bourbon, waiting for summer to return.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Today's MOSTLY TRUE SHORT STORY: Yada, Yada, Yada

F LoBuono

While taking one of my frequent sojourns into town, I was stopped by 2 men who, bless their hearts, recognized me from my days as a local TV personality. It was reasonable to assume by their dress and over-all demeanor that I could characterize them as working men. They seemed generally thrilled to have recognized me. I'm always mildly shocked that people still remember my work from over 25 years ago but also pleased and honored that they do.

We made small talk with the 2 asking what I have been doing for the last 25 years. Eventually, the conversation wound to politics. It was near the end of the summer of 2017 and, so, the Presidential election was looming. Naturally, they asked me whom I would be supporting. I try to avoid answering that question so directly to strangers and in such a public setting - discretion being the better of part of valor. Instead, I turned the tables and asked them the same question. Considering their backgrounds and the growing support among the working class for Donald J. Trump, I was not surprised that they, too, were supporting him.

It's no secret that I am not a supporter of Mr. Trump, nor have I ever been. But, rather than disparage them for their choice, I attempted to engage them as to why. I asked two questions:

Have you ever made fun of a disabled person? And, do you have friends that do?

Both answered in the negative, saying: Of course not!

In light of Mr. Trump's then recent mocking of a disabled report, my reply was immediate, simple, and honest: Why, then, do you support someone for President who does?

That's when the yada, yada, yada began . . .

Well, sure, he's not perfect.
And, we have to give a little to get a lot.
And, he says things like that because he's NOT a politician and we like that.
And, at least he's more honest that Hillary!

And, yada, yada, yada . . .

Sure, they were nice guys. I bet that they take good care of their families and love America, too. They ARE America.

But, when is enough, enough? How much bullying? How much lying?

For the life of me, I'll never understand how it got this far in the first place. If he exhibits behavior that is unacceptable in your own lives, why would you agree to follow him to begin with? It should never have gone past the disgraceful behavior he exhibited in mocking that reporter!

But, the damage is done. And, we are left to minimize it. To do so, we must remain vigilante and proactive! We must prevent this vain, banal, and bellicose man from destroying our way of life. There is no more time for yada, yada, yada. . .

RESIST - and, VOTE!!!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Fire, Fury, and Trump

F loBuono

Please don't tell me that you are surprised by the contents of Michael Wolff's new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

A journalist, Mr. Wolff, with the Administration's permission, spent a year observing the Trump White House up-close and personal to get material for the book. The result, as related by Mr. Wolff, reveals a highly dysfunctional, if not downright defective, scene with a completely unqualified and, quite possibly, emotionally disturbed leader at the helm. According to the book, when asked what might be the problem, former loyal supporters like Steven K. Bannon, once one of Mr. Trump's most trusted advisers and policy makers, said things like, "he's lost it". And, Mr. Bannon is FAR from the only one making such disparaging remarks about the President.

I could go on - easily. There are numerous excepts from the book that paints an unflattering picture to say the least. Apparently, describing what is happening in the White House as FLAWED is simply not a strong enough word to portray the mayhem found within.

Of course, the White House strongly disputes Mr. Wolff's account and, in typical Trump fashion, attacked his motivation and skills as a journalist. This, also, is S.O.P (standard operating procedure) for Mr. Trump - should he feel attacked, he responds in the most personal and punishing way possible. However, what should be ultimately kept in mind is that Wolff was INVITED to the White House and given unprecedented access in order to write the book.


But, I don't need to read the book to understand ALL of Mr. Trump's multitude of shortcomings. They were obvious to me from the beginning. This Country's real and ardent desire for change blinded millions of people from seeing the REAL truth about this man - that he is of low moral fiber and has poor character. Beyond the hundreds of other indicators, there is one above all others that stands out to me as an indicator of this flaw: when he made fun of a disabled reporter who had the temerity to challenge him. Then, after this faux pas, he had the further audacity to deny he mocked the reporter in the first place.

He is a sham, a liar, a blowhard, and a ruffian. And, President of the United States - we got what we paid for . . .

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Today's MOZEN: ALL Must Resist Violence

Really? Are you serious? I'll let the trailer notes describe the latest film from Taraji P. Henson, Proud Mary:

Taraji P. Henson is Mary, a hit woman working for an organized crime family in Boston, whose life is completely turned around when she meets a young boy whose path she crosses when a professional hit goes bad.

You've got to be kidding me! Finally, we have an African-American actress with style, grace, sex appeal, independence, and genuine power in Ms. Henson and what does she choose for her next big project: an ultra-violent, revenge fueled, loud, vain, vulgar, poorly conceived, and badly written film. Even the poster portrays Mary with nothing but violent images in her head!!

I know roles like this are supposed to empower women but, in what way - by, showing that they can rely on massive weaponry, deadly skill, and a vigilante's sense of justice - just like we misguided, testosterone fueled men?


By all accounts, gun violence is a plague on the African-American community. A study by *The Violence Policy Center indicates that African-Americans make up just 13% of our population but account for 50% of ALL homicides! The reasons are varied and complex. But, the fact remains - it is an epidemic. And, certainly, films where EVERY bad guy has a gun and is done in by EVERY good guy (or WOMAN) with a BIGGER ONE can't help!

Holy Shit!

You can't have it both ways.

Blacks cannot complain that gun violence is decimating their communities while their role models, both men and women, continue to act in vehicles that promotes violence as a way, perhaps the ONLY WAY, to solve problems. Here, young black women finally have someone to look up to in Ms. Henson - beautiful, successful, powerful. And, what does she deliver to them as her message? - KILL all the bad guys!!

And, Ms. Henson is not the only one. I've called out Denzel Washington for the same reasons. By every account, Mr. Washington has done enormous amounts for the African-American community. But, at the same time, he has made millions of dollars acting in ultra-violent films. Well, shame on both of them for taking the money and laughing all the way to the bank.

WAKE UP, PEOPLE - especially my black brothers and sisters. Resist violence on all it's levels.

Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact,violence merely increases hate. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. MLK


Monday, January 1, 2018

Today's MOZEN: Don't Be Afraid to Give

F LoBuono

Apparently, according to the new GOP fueled tax reform law, charitable donation deductions will be limited and, in some cases, eliminated entirely. Of course, this latest development has non-profits deeply concerned for their futures. Giving when associated with some type of return for one's efforts generally makes it more attractive. Removing that additional incentive leaves them with obvious trepidation*.

But, it shouldn't.

Look. Everyone likes to save a buck - especially those of us who don't make that many. So, it's not unethical to get something back for whatever you give. However, it should NOT be the prime motivation for giving. Donating to charitable causes produces an effect far beyond the mundane world of $ and cents.

In eastern philosophies it is known as KARMA - in Western circles it's what goes around, comes around. I suppose the most simple way to explain it is to say giving to those in need is its own reward. However, the return on our investment is not often readily or quickly apparent. And,we live in an age of instant gratification. We don't like to wait for anything. Every TV ad promises QUICK delivery, SWIFT service, and IMMEDIATE satisfaction. And, god help them if they don't deliver! When it comes to giving and no one seems to notice, we lose patience and say to ourselves, it's just not worth it. Nobody cares.

Well, giving (and, Karma) doesn't always work like that. Unfortunately, we can feel that our good deeds are often overlooked, if not downright forgotten (see Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar" - the good that men do is oft interred with their bones.). But, there is a deeper satisfaction, an inner peace, that comes with the act of giving. And, if you "allow" that to enter your heart, often the fact the no one knows that you gave gives one an even greater feeling of well-being in discovering that, in the bigger picture of things, it will NOT go unnoticed - it will come back to you - if not today, then someday. But, it will. And, in an even greater amount than what you gave.

So, for the new year Keep the Faith. Give for its own Sake - Because it's the right thing to do. Always.
