Friday, January 19, 2018


F LoBuono

It wasn't as downright frigid today as it has been lately, so Rexie and I decided to take a sojourn into town. Walking at a brisk pace, we were in the heart of town, near the Nyack Post Office when I spotted him - a blind man walking alone and using his cane to feel his way along. I don't know the gentleman's name, but for years I have seen walking alone as well as with others through the village. I've always been amazed at how he manages to navigate the busy streets, especially when he's walking alone, as he was on this day.

He was approaching a traffic light at an intersection from the south side of the street while Rexie and I were coming from the north. There was a large delivery truck idling while it waited for the light to change in his direction. And, it was just about to as the blind man was entering the intersection. Rexie and I ran as fast as we could to get to him as he stepped into the street and the light changed against us. I told the man to grab my arm and that I would help him through the intersection. At the same time, I raised my other hand to implore the truck to wait until we could safely cross. Much to our pleasure, the truck didn't move an inch. He didn't increase the idle of his engine nor did he gesture in any threatening or impatient way. He simply waved back and waited for us to clear before he went on his way.

The blind man mentioned that he heard the truck idling and added that he counts on the kindness of strangers like me and the truck driver to understand his situation and give him a break. Far more often than not, they do.

There is kindness in the world - everywhere, everyday. Even a blind can see it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder. It is always heartwarming and uplifting to read about acts of kindness.
