Thursday, December 26, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Ollie, The Love Machine

Words and photos by F LoBuono
The Holidays can mean different things to different people. And, I'm not talking about culture or religion. Rather, I mean it from an emotional perspective.

For most, the Holidays are a joyful time, full of family, food, fun, and, of course, presents. However, for others it is a difficult period, replete with loss and loneliness. Instead of yearning for it to come, they can't wait for it to be over. I'm pretty sure that applies to some whom are reading this post. Or, we know someone effected in that way.

Personally, I have felt both. I have been overjoyed to spend quality time with family and friends. But, I have also been stung by the angst of having spent (for various reasons) some holidays alone. So, I often ponder what we can do to alleviate that feeling in ourselves and others.

And, I may have found a possible solution.

This past Christmas day, I had the good fortune to spend a lovely afternoon with most of my family at my cousin's place in New Rochelle, NY. Where we used to get together frequently, as we aged, family gatherings have become fewer and further in between. So, it was indeed a pleasure to be there.

When I arrived at my cousin's, virtually the entire family was already there. However, I noticed that my cousin's husband and their little dog, Ollie, were missing. When I inquired as to why, my cousin told me that they were just out for a walk and would be back shortly. Surely, after a few minutes, they returned.

Ollie and Stella
As soon as the door opened, Ollie, the teacup Yorkie, who weighs all of about 2 or 3 lbs., sprang into action. With his little stub of a tail wagging at 100 mph, he tore into the house with an infectious enthusiasm. He approached EVERY single person in the home, kissing everyone and wagging his entire body just to give, and get, some loving. He didn't care if you were man or woman, old or young, he was going to give you some love and affection and, in return, receive the same. At one point, he even jumped into my 96 year-old mother's lap to kiss her face. She squealed with delight.

Ollie and Stella
After about 10 minutes he settled down a bit to get into the serious business of mooching the pre-dinner appetizers we were all enjoying. But, he made me realize that whatever we give to life is what we get back. So, when we have a chance to share love we should do so with reckless abandon. As a little 3 lbs. dog demonstrated, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

So, when you're feeling down, don't dwell on it. Get up. Get that tail wagging again and spread the love. You won't regret it.

Thanks for reminding us, Ollie!

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