Thursday, December 5, 2019

Today's MOZEN: Sic Semper Tyrannis

F LoBuono
Listen and listen good. Outside of the very little I learned about politics in a high school civics class, I don't know a damned thing about it - except that it appears to be a dirty business. So, I'll not comment on the state of the political turmoil that the Trump Administration and the lackey Republicans who cower in his presence seem to have inflicted upon this Country.

However, I do believe that I have a good understanding of human decency. And, I see NONE of it in Mr. Trump, his administration, his party (the GOP) or ANY of his family or friends.


What I see is a bully, a braggart, and a man obsessed with his own image. I see someone who is a phony in every sense of the word - from the way he lies about his business acumen, his education, and his wealth, to his ridiculously dyed pompadour hair and orange skin glow.

And, just as deplorable, if not more so, are the sycophants in the Republican party whose blind allegiance give Mr. Trump the license to continue his boorish behavior. SHAME ON THEM - ALL OF THEM.

How anyone who supports him got past his mocking of a disabled reporter during the campaign (and, despite their protestations that "he didn't really") and still elected him President is beyond my comprehension - unless the explanation is that you're as twisted as he is.

So, screw the politics involved with Impeaching him - it's beyond my understanding. What is not hard for me to fathom is that allowing his unabashed assault on decency and THE RULE OF LAW to go unchecked will give him a title that is (or SHOULD BE) anathema to ALL Americans - King.



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