Thursday, February 13, 2020

Today's MOZEN: King MINUS

F LoBuono
When you have published as many TalkFrank blog posts as I have (nearly 1500), the danger is to avoid repetition - especially when considering that I feel that I have a moral imperative to respond to the daily assaults on the Rule of Law and Common Decency by a ruthless Administration. However, because these transgressions are so numerous and egregious, certain themes must be repeated. For me, it's this:


I have used this as a direct quote or within a theme on at least 4 other occasions over the course of the last year and a half (1/6/20, 10/27/18, 10/20/18, 10/3/2018). The redundancy is simply unavoidable because the President never changes. If anything, his boorish behavior actually gets worse.

And, this should come as no surprise.

Because, we've GOTTEN what we paid for.

Donald J. Trump was never anything more than an Emperor With No Clothes. New Yorkers, the people he interacted with more than any other, knew that he was ALWAYS a phony and a blowhard. He was no King Midas but more like King Minus. He screwed contractors. He bullied underlings. He dodged the draft. He bankrupted multiple businesses. He cheated charities.

Then came reality TV, a brilliant Executive Producer in Mark Burnett, some great editors and cameramen, and a show called The Apprentice. It was a perfect format for a larger-than-life character like Donald J. Trump. It managed to turn a failed business man, barely hanging on in the brutal NY real estate market, into the image of a deal making powerhouse.

The show catapulted Mr. Trump into the role of a lifetime - a ruthless businessman who would bring needed change to the American Political System that so many of us had become disillusioned with. And, he rode that tide of discontent to the very highest position in the land.

But, we never got more than we paid for - and, we never will. He is the host of a Reality TV Show whose success is predicated on bluster and deception - a winning formula for banal TV viewing but disastrous for the Leader of the Free World.

His latest assault on decency comes in light of the capitulation by the Republican controlled Senate on the Articles of Impeachment. They have given an Egomaniacal, Intellectually Challenged Bully license to run rampant over any form of reasonable civility.

So, what did you (do you) expect?

Yes, we got what we paid for . . . 

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