Friday, May 27, 2016

Conversations with Stella.

F LoBuono
Today's lunch conversation with Stella:

Me: Man, I've been getting into some really intense verbal altercations on Facebook these days!

Stella: Frankie, what did I tell you about that? I really wish that you wouldn't.

Me: But, I like it.

Stella: I know that you like it. That's not the point.

Me: Well, what IS the point, then?

Stella: Why don't you just vote your own conscience and let everyone else vote theirs?

Me: Well, Stella, I will. But, this is too important not to do everything in our power to make sure that Trump does not become President. I intend to write everyday if I have to. If I can convince even one other person not to vote for him, I will have been successful. Besides, wasn't it you and the old man who taught us to stand up to bullies?

Stella: I suppose that's true. Just don't get carried away.

Me: Yes, Stella. Of course.

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