Friday, August 21, 2015

Today's MOZEN: The Art of Being Human

Words and photo by F LoBuono
I like to fancy myself a student of human nature. There are few things in the world I enjoy better than being a fly on the wall, quietly observing people. I often find a dark corner at a neighborhood watering hole just to watch the local inhabitants interact. For me, the essence of the human being is filled with a myriad of behaviors - some of them are the very definition of grace, like love and compassion, while others like hate and cruelty demonstrate our hearts of darkness. It can be an endless source of curiosity, inspiration and, sometimes, consternation.

But, of the plethora of human emotion there are two that I understand the least: greed and hypocrisy.

Everyone wants their share of the pie. This is not an unreasonable expectation. If we work hard we all anticipate being compensated fairly. We want the best we can achieve for ourselves and our families. However, greedy people want not only THEIR share of the pie, they desire YOURS, too! There is not enough money nor possessions that can satisfy them. It's an insatiable lust for things. They measure their success, their very VALUE, by what they HAVE - instead of who they ARE.

Hypocrites puzzle me. Perhaps, it's because I am so secure in who I am. They talk convincingly about their beliefs but then act in a way that's totally contrary to it. The implication is that you are trying to be all things to all people. When someone does that they lose the only person they need to impress - themselves.

Certainly, none of us are perfect. In fact, to BE human is to BE flawed. We need to understand that. When we do, we give ourselves and our fellow human beings a needed break. It makes us more tolerant and patient (the GOOD human traits). The key, in my mind, is to continue to work at being BETTER. And, it's a lifetime commitment.

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