Sunday, August 23, 2015

Today's MOZEN: Si, Cara

Words and photo by F loBuono
After working in my garden, I was heading back into my apartment when I noticed my neighbor, Matty, carrying a small air conditioner from the basement storage area. After an exchange of greetings, I asked what was up with the AC? Since summer was nearly over, I wondered why he would need this one NOW. And, I asked him so. He explained that he was not taking it out of storage to use it but, rather, to clean and then put back.

But, why? I queried. It was already IN storage!

Matty explained that his wife, Joanne (whom I like very much, too), said that it should be cleaned anyway. He added, it's a YES DEAR, kinda thing.

I replied, ah, yes, the ol' si, cara routine. I totally get it.

Matty chuckled and shrugged his shoulders in benign acquiescence.

I added, you know Matty, it's not such a bad thing. After all, they're right most of the time. Not ALL of the time, but most.

He smiled, nodded in affirmation and preceded to finish cleaning the unit.

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