Monday, June 27, 2016


F LoBuono
Those who know me personally, I think, would tend to concur with this bit of self-analysis: I am almost completely ON until I am completely OFF. I have a hard time sitting still. One part or another is almost always on the move. I talk fast. I walk fast. And, I think fast. My pace can be maddening. Then, mostly while sitting on my sofa watching "South Park" or the Yankees, I will simply be gone - as in OFF - as in sound asleep - for a few hours anyway. One minute I'm here. The next minute I'm not. Just like that. I'm at rest - for a bit. I RARELY sleep more than four hours in a single stretch. Then things start rattling around in my head, I thrash about for a bit, nearly strangle myself with my sheets, get up, and start the cycle all over again.

Now, you know why I'm so hard to live with (among a myriad of other personality defects).

So, it should come as no surprise that a lot of my writing can come to me at odd hours, day or night. I'm a bit old fashioned so I actually keep a note pad nearby to scribble some of my brain ramblings down. Many of them become posts to this blog.

Here are the latest:

I wonder if the same people who support Donald Trump because they feel disenfranchised and ignored by their government are the same ones who ABHORRED the Occupy Wall St. movement? Here is the disconnect that I don't get; Trump is OBVIOUSLY a member of the so-called 1%, i.e. those of overwhelming wealth that control almost everything in the world - The Occupy nemisis. Virtually every word out of Trump's mouth is about lining his pockets with YOUR hard earned $$$. He flaunts his wealth in the most garish ways at every turn. So, how in the world is Donald Trump going to be ON YOUR SIDE??? It just doesn't make any sense.

Great Britain just voted to leave to leave the EU (Brexit), siting National identity, economic viability, and border control over immigration as their reasons. Sound familiar? It's the same rhetoric as Trump - Xenophobia and isolationism rules - eat the rich - except for him. So, reconcile me this: from my understanding, most of the people who voted to leave the EU are also in favor of The Monarchy. On one hand the people are rebelling against the "liberal elite" while at the same time showering a single family with riches beyond their wildest dreams - simply because it's "The English Way".

It simply makes NO SENSE.

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