Friday, July 22, 2016

Final Thoughts from the RNC

Words and photos by F LoBuono

As insane as my job can be with its impossible hours, intense pressure, lack of food, sleep, and, often, bathroom facilities or breaks, it can also fill me with a sense of wonderment. I have seen things in ways that most people never will. In fact, most can’t even conceive of what I have seen. Some are spectacular in nature like the launch of the Space Shuttle or being in the eye of a hurricane. Others are much more subtle in nature.

Take my last assignment, for example. To have a front row seat at any of the National Conventions, RNC or DNC, is an experience to feel, not only see. When a strong speaker, like Candidate Barack Obama was, one can see the passion that they can elicit from a crowd, it is an awesome thing to behold. But, you don’t have to be a spellbinding speaker to whip the crowd into a frenzy. These things are about “energizing their base”. And, they do. “LIVE” music, slick videos, and celebrity speakers are all calculated to have maximum effect. By the last day of this barrage, the crowd, either crowd, would cheer wildly for Winnie the Poo!

There are also things to be seen behind the scenes that may not seem as spectacular but are just as awesome in nature. The setup for one of these conventions is a seamless blend of a virtual army of electricians, technicians, lighting designers, set designers, riggers, teamsters, producers, reporters, and too many others to list. It can take weeks to build and, miraculously, it disappears in about 8 to 10 hours. When you load out from the bowels of the stadium it must look like in the inside of beehive! Hundreds of men (well, mostly men) scurry about, seemingly randomly, but with a great sense of purpose. And, you’d better watch your step if you don’t want to flattened by a forklift!

But, there are those rare, quiet moments, too, when I can reflect of what I have done and where I am. It happened on my way to the airport this afternoon. I had never been to Cleveland before and, despite my initial apprehension about going, I found it to be a lovely little city (at least before it was “invaded” by delegates and the corresponding security forces). I had also never been to this part of Ohio and, although most of it at this point was being witnessed within a speeding car, I did my best to soak up the moment. It was a blazing hot, summer day and I rolled down the window to feel the heat and smell the air. I knew that I had to imprint that memory on my brain as I might never be this way again.

Well, it’s off to Philadelphia for more fun, games, and ADVENTURE.

DNC- here we come!!

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