Saturday, July 16, 2016

Notes from the RNC: Day 6

What a difference a day makes. This city has been transformed from a wonderful. accessible, walkable city into a virtual prison where your every move will be controlled. Security is now in place. Calling them necessary is absolutely correct. But, calling them draconian may also be accurate.

Huge steel fences and jersey barriers are everywhere. Road closures are in place. And, it's starting to look like an armed camp. As I have mentioned in previous posts, this is not my first rodeo so I know what to expect. All of our equipment MUST be in its place NOW or it will not be allowed after. The US Secret Service comes in today with their awesome dogs to go over EVERY single piece of equipment, every case, and every nook and cranny at the arena. That means any tool necessary, including things as simple as a screw driver, must be in the arena by 6 pm this evening. After the Secret Service sweep NO other object deemed potential "harmful" will not be allowed in (more on this later). After today, every reporter, every producer, every photographer, every technician, EVERYONE who wishes to enter the building will have to clear the security check point that makes airport security seem like a Girl Scout camp. And, they ain't foolin'! I remember an incident at the RNC in Tampa, Fla. where the Secret Service confiscated my BANANA, proclaiming that it could be used as a weapon! I asked "really"? They responded that "you could freeze it and use it strike someone". Really. I have had co-workers have their apples taken away. And, forget umbrellas - I've seen them piled up by the thousands at the entrance.

I understand that necessity. Unfortunately, we live in a violent society where there are those who would create great harm at an event like this. This seems to be especially true today. And, considering the volatility of the current GOP candidate, Donald Trump, trouble is actually EXPECTED. So much so that while I was in our hotel lobby today a shipment of riot gear arrived that is to be given to our "street teams", i.e. those assigned to cover the anticipated street demonstrations. Fortunately, I am assigned INSIDE the arena. My challenge will be to clear security. I also recall a time at the DNC in Boston when it took nearly 2 hours just to clear security. "No big deal" you say? Well, try doing that in 90 degree + heat with dangerous thunderstorms overhead! They simply do not care. It must be done. Patience will become your virtue.

Even someone as experienced as I am with these things can not truly know what will happen. There is commonality but, still, each one is a little different. Considering what is going on in the world and the fact the GOP has decided to nominate (presumably) an incendiary character as their leader, this one may prove to be the wildest of them all.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Firesign Theater:
    To Rocky Roccoco, "Put away that pickle, Roccoco!"
