Thursday, July 14, 2016

Notes from the RNC: Day 4

Working these large TV remotes are not always what it appears to be. On the surface, they are exciting (and, they ARE). The Conventions are an awesome spectacle! The amount of skilled labor involved, especially behind the scenes, is simply awesome. And, it begins months before it actually happens. Our engineers, producers, and technicians have been preparing for these events for a very long time. In the days just before the event the work becomes so intense that the arenas in which they are held take on the appearance of a bee hive. And, it's not just there but the whole city in which it happens takes on a new, frenetic pace.

However, as I have mentioned, they can also take an enormous personal toll. You are away from family and friends for extended periods of time. I can't speak for others, but for me, my life at home is the one I have CHOSEN so I WANT to be there. And, unfortunately, at times like this, your needs simply do not matter. I must admit, I love the adventure but still get homesick! I'm feeling that right now. The fact that I have some health issues (among others) in my family certainly doesn't help. I need to be home. But, that cannot happen now. I must soldier on. It's my job and I ALWAYS do my job to the best of my ability. At my core, it is what I am.

At the moment, our work schedules are not too hectic. In fact, the days have been relatively normal: 9-5. And, what's so remarkable is that, at home, I NEVER work 9-5 LOL! However, that will not last. Once the convention opens we will be on a 24hr. schedule. What my hours will eventually be I do not know yet. But, I can guarantee that it won't be 9-5!

Cleveland itself is also preparing. Restaurants get busier and busier. And, they are beginning to "crank it down". That is, security zones are being prepared meaning street closures and restricted movement. At one point, the police will make this place "tighter than a crab's ass". Even those of us with top security clearance will be subjected to draconian security measures. I remember a time at the convention in Boston when it took us nearly 2 hours to clear the security barriers. It doesn't make things any easier, that's for sure.

But, for now, its just another day. I'm off to breakfast with my crew mates and then more set-up, set-up, set-up. We WILL be ready. We have to be. It's our job.

More later.

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