Wednesday, July 6, 2016

When You Think About It: THE Most Dangerous

F LoBuono
It's easy to find lists of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World. Of course, lions and tigers and bears (oh, my) always make the list. The Nile crocodile is certainly an aggressive and fierce predator. Killer whales are not to be trifled with. And, of course, the Great White Shark strikes fear into the hearts of just about everyone.

But, there is one animal that is FAR more dangerous than any of these vicious predators. And, the irony of it is that this creature is not particularly fast, large or powerful. It doesn't have huge claws or razor sharp teeth. Still, it is at the top of the food chain and dominates all others.

THE most dangerous animal on the planet is an Ignorant Human Being. And, unfortunately, there is an almost unlimited supply of them.

That is all.

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